Hello World!
After procrastinating on fixing my website for months, I've decided to go with this theme and the Zola static site generator. I was using Hugo before and IMHO the layout and code organization was complex and not exactly easy to use and modify. I was looking for other options and a senior of mine, Xypnox migrated his amazing blag (Make sure to check it out!) to Zola. He had a pretty good experience with it and wrote a post outlining the process and his experience. I was impressed with how easy it was to get started and make changes to theme and decided to move to Zola
I loved the Sam theme since it was very minimal and incredibly easy to customise. I made a couple of design changes to it thanks to a friend - Rashil and got this new blog up and running!
So yeah, after months of deciding what theme to go with, messing around with the little frontend knowledge I have and switching between the endless SSGs out there, here we are!
I plan to blog about programming, software dev, open source and random 3 AM thoughts. Hopefully I'll be regular in maintaining this blog!
To reach out to me for suggestions, criticism and rants, reach out to me at any of the following links
Till next time, here's an amazing song for you to enjoy